Wednesday, November 18, 2009
YEA!! The Blog is no longer a misnomer. I'm actually back and continuing my adventures in this great, daunting city. Sweeney went off without a hitch (except for the chemical burn on my neck), and was a wonderful experience from opening to closing. That's not an incredibly difficult task since the two dates were only five days apart. But it was a such an honor to be part of that production and it was a great way to start my professional career. After that I got to spend one short day in Houston with the parents, watching UP and reorganizing my suitcase so that I could fly back to my new place of residence, the big apple. You know, I never questioned that as a child but now that I'm here and far more worldly wise, I have no idea what that nickname means. Anyway, I've started my transplanting with an audition today and now begins the grueling task of trying to get an audition for these agents. Hopefully, if things go well, I'll be in contact with them within the next few days and then I'll be on broadway next week (just thinking a Candide-ish scenario here). But right here, right now, begins my actor plight, the journey that so many before me have made and so many after me will make, right up till 2012 of course. Today, after my audition, I went grocery shopping and caught up on some television. Then I went to a little fundraiser deally that Jen Taylor and her friend had devised, accompanied by Melissa Steadman. We shared a few drinks and did our philanthropic deed for the month (i.e. bid silently on cheap activities that benefit our lifestyles...and won!). Afterward, we shared a rousing rendition of "Unworthy of Your Love" sung sotto voce (at times) in the subway station before heading back to Astoria, sharing a few more drinks, and watching an altogether mediocre episode of Modern Family. I also decided that today was the day I would start my great exploration of beers to determine which ones I like (almost none) and which ones I dislike (almost all). Todays beer of choice was a Sam'l Smith Organic Fruit Ale, Cherry flavored. It was slightly tasty, reminiscent of robitussin and Cold 'Eze...with alcohol. But still good. Now I'm writing my devoted readers a semi-entertaining blog before I IChat with Ryry and call it a night. Much love to all.
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's opening niiiiiiiiiiight!!

So it's officially opening night, seeing as how I'm writing this at one o clock in the morning. This also means I should be getting to sleep soon, for my health. That's how much you all mean to me, I'm risking my own well being to update about the goings on of my life. And it has been quite the weekend since I last spoke to you. Mark and I spent my day off of work at the mall playing video games for well over an hour. Sixteen dollars poorer, we went and got some fast food chinese and watched way too many episodes of Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock before playing trivial pursuit with Kaykay and then calling it a night. Saturday began our first of two twelve hour days and they went just as I had expected them to. The tech of this show is pretty intense and I pictured it taking quite some time. We actually finished the show Sunday night and were ready for the student preview tonight...then the chair broke. It was technically still a rehearsal but during the second act the barber's chair got caught and wouldn't release to shoot people down the slide. The audience was great about it though and we just had to pause for a few minutes while things got figured out. All and all it was a pretty good run and we open tonight at seven thirty. My throat is super mad at me for all of the screaming I do in the show so I guess I'm going to go ahead and give it a rest. Love to Mom and Dad.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Oh Suzane!
We're deep in the trenches of Sweeney now and it ain't a pretty sight. I'm now realizing what a blur tech will be. Because the show is so massive technically, those two days are going to either fly by or trudge on endlessly. Whatever, I'm making money. Aaron ended up getting the A Chorus Line tour so for all of you out there who used the secret, I'm sure he thanks you. Snap snaps (the good kind) for Aaron. On the flip side, in two weeks I will be unemployed yet again. Terrifying. I travel out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area on the sixteenth and then fly north the seventeenth. Ugh, the thought of getting on another plane and dealing with another group of cranky people who either hate their jobs or hate being up so early to catch a flight is incredibly unattractive right now. But hey, I could get into that sort of thing in a week or so. Right now I'm all about the pretzels and sleep so I'll enjoy a few more of the former and then call it a night. Love you all.
Monday, November 2, 2009
It's getting ever so close
I can't believe we open this show in a week from tomorrow. Today means we've only been at it for one week and this afternoon we're finishing this show up. This one has flown by but it's been an incredible experience thus far. Let's see, what has happened since last I spoke to you. I had Friday off and being the overly productive person I am, I laid around till noon, had some lunch with Mark, Kay, Michelle and Omar at Pei Wei....laid around for about, mmmmmm, ten more hours and then hopped over to Grapevine to go see OhLooks production of The Rocky Horror Show. I had a wonderful time there amongst the screaming and the rice and the partial nudity. But since it started at ten thirty, that meant a late night for me with morning rehearsal the next day. Saturday went very smoothly and we finished act one and started act two. Needless to say I cried a bit during "God That's Good" and I can only hope that in one week the slight differences in movement per verse will seem a little more obvious to me. But my evening was full of banging mugs on wrong counts and asking for more pies when I was supposed to be saying how good they were. Too bad. Halloween night Mark, Kay, and the gang all traversed over to Grapevine Mills where we walked around a bit and then bought tickets to go see Zombieland which, though insanely gory, was quite entertaining. Called it an early night (super early because of daylight savings). Spent my sabbath getting my throat slit about six times and heard a fascinating story about how the original Beggar Woman on broadway shattered her ankles in the show sliding down the shoot we have to slide out of. Bring it shoot, we'll see who shatters whose what! I also ruined my scarf and decided to start all over. It's actually quite therapeutic to rip out two hundred rows of knitting. I watched A Series of Unfortunate Events with Kay last night and then hopped on my Deflatable mattress for a good night's rest. Love you all, see you soon.
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