So it's officially opening night, seeing as how I'm writing this at one o clock in the morning. This also means I should be getting to sleep soon, for my health. That's how much you all mean to me, I'm risking my own well being to update about the goings on of my life. And it has been quite the weekend since I last spoke to you. Mark and I spent my day off of work at the mall playing video games for well over an hour. Sixteen dollars poorer, we went and got some fast food chinese and watched way too many episodes of Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock before playing trivial pursuit with Kaykay and then calling it a night. Saturday began our first of two twelve hour days and they went just as I had expected them to. The tech of this show is pretty intense and I pictured it taking quite some time. We actually finished the show Sunday night and were ready for the student preview tonight...then the chair broke. It was technically still a rehearsal but during the second act the barber's chair got caught and wouldn't release to shoot people down the slide. The audience was great about it though and we just had to pause for a few minutes while things got figured out. All and all it was a pretty good run and we open tonight at seven thirty. My throat is super mad at me for all of the screaming I do in the show so I guess I'm going to go ahead and give it a rest. Love to Mom and Dad.