"Paul you knew" - "Lewisville, Texas" + "New York" - "Job" + "A Lot of Free Time" + "An Agent" - "Dance Call Success" + "The Sims" +"An Awkward Confrontation with a Potential Gay Prostitute" +"An Impromptu Gay Bar Night"+ "A Wife" + "A Cruise Ship" - "A Lot of Money" + "A Plane Ticket to Georgia" + "Scabies" - " A Lot More Money" + "Nancy Reeves Time" - "Amount of time spent in New York in 2010" + "Permethrin Cream" - "Scabies" + "Steroids" - "New York" + "Georgia" - "Turning off alarm clock" + "Weight" - "Weight"... + "Weight" + "Roommate" - "Roommate" - "Days until Christmas" + "Fears about 2012"= "present Paul"
So, yeah. I mean nothing really.
You can't argue with mathematical proof...nothing much has happened