A disclaimer to my title: in actuality, I've been doing little to no (emphasis on the latter) tapping, and am not afflicted by the ever troublesome "blogs". But apart form a misleading header, life is fantastic here in Houston, Texas. I'm on week two of P90X, and I think I'm negating some of it's effects by visiting my mother's stash of left over halloween candy once a day, but my muscles are sure letting me know that it's doing something. Since my parents still subscribe to dial up internet (...I was just listening to see if any of you gasped), I do most of my online ventures from the coffee shop in Barnes and Noble. The sign says free wifi but it really means "free wifi with the purchase of one of our fine products". If you just whip open that laptop at any of their tables without first getting yourself a cup of coffee, you get a look, indescribable through emoticons. Trust me, I tried them all =(. Anyway, here I can explore at my leisure and with a billion different sites right at the tips of my fingers, containing the information of the world for me to absorb, I visit facebook, twitter, and blogspot...sometimes gmail...mostly facebook. And from here I try to update you on my life. Since I last left you I've seen Sherlock Holmes, The Book of Eli, and Avatar, all great in their own rights and genres. Also I went bowling, though I can't recall most of that outing. Now the rest of the week contains a lot of A Prayer for Owen Meany, P90, and any seasons of TV shows my parents may have laying around the house. A few pictures to leave you with. Carolyn sent me a BEAUTIFUL Christmas present of personalized pillow cases. When one thinks of my interests, one's thoughts can't help but stray to ducks and robots. She knows me so well.

After receiving such a thoughtful gift, Ryan and I decided we needed to model with the pillow cases on top of my new polka dot flannel sheets. That shoot went a little something like this.

So now when someone walks into my room they may be concerned that such a young toddler should be sleeping on a queen bed unassisted. Fear not, stranger in my room, tis merely my childhood interests that never died. God bless the young at heart...and bed.
Now for a more serious note. Last night a good friend of mine and her family suffered a terrible loss. Their house caught fire in the middle of the night and burned to the ground, taking with it all of their possessions. Her mother, father, and grandmother got out in time and were unharmed, but they've lost everything. This is a devastating time for them all, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I'll let you know what I can as the situation progresses and if there are any opportunities to help. Certainly this is a tragedy when it happens to anybody, but it's duly hard when it happens to such a loving and wonderful family as the Steadmans, who have taken many of us in under their roof and done so much for us in the past.
Oh Paul, I just came across this the other day and was unable to post a comment due to computer difficulties. But I wanted to say thank you so much for your sincere post about the house fire. We are confident that everyone's thoughts and prayers have brought about the slivers of peace and understanding that we've managed to experience from time to time in the weeks that have passed.
ReplyDeleteI WILL call you soon....I've been trying to get things settled again here in New York and ease back into a little bit of normalcy in my life.
I love you...keep blogging! And thank you for being the polar opposite of fair-weather. xo.