Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh Canada

Paul Sabala is officially abroad. (Let the pun settle in). So now this crazy, "magical" adventure begins. Once again I've exhibited my unique talent for reading one thing and totally thinking another. So when my contract told me that I would be in Canada until April 8th, it seems only natural that I would assume that I'd only be here till March 8th. I've been telling EVERYONE that I'd be in Canada for two weeks, gearing up for a fortnight of cold before the relief of the Florida sun. Oh brain, what disappointments you have in store for me. I wish I could treat you to photos of the beautiful Toronto skyline, but as I've said I've nothing to connect the camera to the computer with. Just rest assured, it's dern pretty. And why shouldn't it be? It's the most expensive place I've ever been. The exchange rate for currency is pretty much exactly the same, the US dollar being only slightly heavier. So silly me, I'm thinking with thirty dollars I should be able to do a decent amount of shopping for one. I made it home with bread, lunchmeat, cereal, milk and water....THIRTY DOLLARS people. I'll have to mix and match. Maybe have some cereal sandwiches, or water/meat soup. It's desperate times when we get our most creative.
Tonight marks my return to the P90X regimen. I'm just going to assume that the whole week and a half I skipped won't really matter, so I'll just pick up where I left off. So that means, though it's almost ten pm, I've got an hour and a half of yoga to do. Gotta love it.
Dear Canada,
Get Hulu
Thank you


Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm So Good At This

This is my first blog in about three weeks. Should I apologize? And if so, to whom? I thought blogging would be way easier to update than my own journal, which often goes from an entry in January claiming that my resolution for this year is to write in it more often, to some random day in june where I hang my head in shame. In between it's littered with recipes and terrible song lyrics. At one point I try to convince myself that if Taylor Swift could do something, so could I. And let me tell you, it's a sad day when you have to admit defeat to Taylor Swift (Grammy's don't count). Anyway, I write to you after my week long excursion to Oklahoma, catching up with the familiar faces there and spending time with Ryan and the baby before the big trip. I head out on Saturday morning at...drum am. Thank you, DCL. But, I'm incredibly excited to be taking a two week trip to Canada, with housing and transportation taken care of. All they ask is that I dance with a hunchback. Done and done, Disney. It's a little odd to think of a world without my cell phone, since I'm not willing to add international calling to the plan for a mere two weeks. Though this experience should prep me for 2012 when all communications are lost. That's right, I intend to be a survivor. Bring it, apocalypse. I'll try to update this thing every day, or every other day while in the big C, but we should all (meaning me and my two readers) prepare ourselves for the inevitable neglect. Also, I'm going to start back up on the P90X since I took a break in Oklahoma. It isn't as easy when you're trying to do downward dog while a real dog chews on your ear. Pictures on the blog may be an issue since my mac does not have a slot for my SD card and I've lost the cord to connect my prehistoric HP camera to the computer. But, rest assured pictures shall be taken and when I get back to the homeland...let's just say you better not have dial up. Who still has dial up, you ask? Lin and Rocco Sabala. Ergo, I write to you from the local Barnes and Noble. Everyone, stay safe, stay warm and keep me updated on your lives/ventures as I try to keep you updated on mine. Much love.