Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pretty Little Picture

Well, everybody seems to find the picture thing to be such a hit on other peoples' blogs. It's all "I love the picture of" this, and "your blog is better than Paul's because" that. SO I've decided to add a few make shift pictures of my life here in Toronto. My camera doesn't connect to my computer, my blackberry doesn't get service up here (for cheap), and I don't want to recycle facebook images. So how will I fill you in on the goings on of my exciting life? Via paintbrush folks. Here are a few images of my life in toronto

Last week I went to Niagra Falls

Realistic mist and everything

I also danced with a midget at a karaoke bar

Today, walking home from work, I dropped a few coins in a homeless mans hat. Good deed? check

(actually happened)

I also had an awkward run in with my friend Sandy when I tried to steal her Oscar. She forgave me though

(may not have actually happened)

Sorry my hair is a little Gabourey Sidbie post Mo'Nique abuse. But anyway, I hope these images are a gateway for you into my, up to this point, secretive Canadian life.

take that Aaron, in your pretty gold outfit

love love love


  1. paul. you are amazing. and never fail to make me RL. OMG i love you. i love love love you. but im pissed because your blog is better than mine.

  2. I hope this post wasn't a dig at me in any way. I loved your blog for what it was, I simply have no imagination and needed you to provide me with images of these experiences so I don't have to think too hard.

  3. Oh never a dig. I just really wanted to draw pictures and needed some way to introduce it. Never fear. Love you
