Monday, October 19, 2009

A Change of Pace

Oh, I've been so irresponsible. And to my three or four readers, I apologize. From now on I shall try to keep this blog as up to date as I am, which, if I might be so bold as to say, is pretty darn up to date. So so so so much has happened since my last post and going into detail about my recent adventures would only lead to a blog of epic proportions, so I'll try to give you the cliff notes version of my ever busy-ing lifestyle. I believe I left you on friday so I'll now format this post in a diary fashion and give you a play by play of the days that followed.
Sat: So very embarrassed to tell you this, but absolutely nothing happened on this day. I'm sure I racked up some pretty mean Text Twist points though, which is quite an accomplishment. So to say this day was useless would be a bit of a stretch.
Sun: Aaron, Tyler, and I woke up at 3:45 am to make our way into the city and catch some free bus trips to Washington, DC. I caught up on my missed ZZZ's during the four hour excursion and landed in our nation's capitol to march and rally for equality. There we met up with Kilty and his sister Erin, Ray and Peter, and Emily and Ericka. We also got a quick hello in with Julia Murney before she disappeared in the crowd. The march was a success (which is not to say that we have rights quite yet, but it was enjoyable) and the rally was pretty inspirational. We got back home around 12:30 am, dragged our weary limbs home to Astoria and collapsed into bed.
Mon: Needless to say, nothing much happened during the day. Aaron and I attended Musical Mondays at Splash bar where we belted just as high as we could along to recordings of musical performances. Then we watched Anne Fraser Thomas and the infamous Miranda perform a few ditty's. Of course it was a late night so it transitioned into
Tue: and we celebrated Aaron's birthday! After a decent nights rest I went and talked with the fourth and final agent on my list, Michael Kirsten from Hardin-Curtis, who was sweet and informative. I'll be auditioning for them as well when I return. Then it was Beer Garden with my lovely roommate Tasha as a sort of farewell, before a wonderful night's rest.
Wed: It was the last audition I was going to be able to make before I left the city so I took a break from packing and made myself presentable for the Shrek EPA. I got on the train and took the half hour ride into the city, walked the few blocks from the stop to the building, and began to enter the elevator when I realized I hadn't made a headshot/resume, nor did I have the materials to do so. After time it would take me to get back to the apartment, put it together and then traverse into the city again, it would probably be almost two hours later and the thought didn't sound appealing to me. So I skipped it, please don't be disappointed. Anyway, I finished packing and called it an early night after some chinese food and Modern Family with Aaron.
Thur: Five am flight home to Houston...I slept the whole way. But I got into town around eight am and had lunch with my madre, watched "Ratatouille" and "Lilo and Stitch". So productive.
Fri: We took off on our road trip at around 7:45 am and landed in Dallas with enough time to stop and have lunch with Mark and Kay at a delicious seafood joint in Grapevine. Then I traveled the rest of the way to Norman, got a little time with Ry, and then went and watched the dress rehearsal for How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Fantastic stuff, and it's going to get even better with the set and orchestra. For those of you who are able to see it, get excited. Drinks at the Mont and chilling at home ensued.
Sat: Late to rise, spur of the moment decision on a zoo day, Ryan missed his fitting but we had too much fun with the animals to worry about that. Dinner and games with the Orr's. Hilarity.
Sun: I made about two dozen Oreo balls and carted them over for the cast to munch on during their Zitzprobe (Wandleprobe, let's be honest). Then it was relaxing time and going to watch the Black Eyed Peas/U2 concert from the lawn outside the stadium. It took place on a 10.5 million dollar stage and set, which I believe is the exact same budget for the Sweeney I'm going to do. What are the odds? Had a wonderful time with Heather, Mackenzie, Marisha, Chris A, and Ry before heading home mid concert for some "Emperor's New Groove" and wings from Papa John's.
Mon: I woke up at eight, took Izzie for a walk, read a bit of my book, and wrote a blog.

Wow, sorry about all that. I completely understand if you give up midway, but if you've made it to here, congrats! I'll try to do a post tomorrow of only pictures from the different events to catch you up visually. Until then, much love, talk to you soon.