Well after my intense and insane Saturday filled with luncheons and bar dates I discovered I had a little tickle at the back of my throat. It isn't uncommon for me to complain about pain in this region of my body and so I just shrugged it off and since I had no obligations that Sunday I decided I would just rest. It was Monday at five pm when I reemerged from my bedroom, only to grab myself a foot long Subway sandwich and then disappear again into my fortress of Solitude (where my only guests were Veronica Mars and her super sleuthy friends). Yes , friends and family, I had the dreaded and sometimes deadly ailment known as the common cold. I know what you're thinking. "You made it out alive, you're so strong". And of course, that's true. But I also sucked down about twelve coldeeze and slept for the majority of the forty eight hours. I missed an audition I had planned on going to but, really, who wants to see a disheveled sick boy dance about at ten am. They didn't miss anything. During my time confined to my bed I watched approximately ten episodes of quality TV programming thanks to the wonderful invention of HULU.com ( for those of you who don't know, hulu is a website where one can find many of one's favorite TV shows/clips and interviews). So Sunday and Monday are quite a bore and need no more further explanation. I did try to talk to Ryan on the phone a lot, but he's a very busy young man. In my sick and needy state, I didn't care about the justifications of him having to get off the phone, it only mattered that I was friendless and wearing the same pajama pants I had had on the previous day. But he was a wonderful sport and put up with my selfishness. For that, I thank you Ry. But today I was productive. I went for my second agent appointment at the The Mine agency. It's the same agency Aaron Umsted, Ian Gibb, Cassie Chesnutt (went to OU), Taurean Everett (worked with at MTW) and a slew of others are signed with. They were incredibly nice. Not only that, they were helpful and informative about me as a performer and what I should target myself towards in auditions. They've asked me to come in and sing for them so that's another agency interested; yea. After that I went and dropped off my ID at the Temp Agency I'm with and they are going to try to get me a few jobs this week before I head out on my big adventure. I spent some much needed alone time reading my book in different cafes and eateries. I would change locations every so often so as not to take up a seat for too long of a period of time. I wanted to be fair. Then I decided, though I had been sick for two days, I would go in and audition for Grease today. My voice and performance were lackluster but it's always fun and no matter the experience, I believe they're all worthwhile. I then had a voice lesson with the magical and incredible Mr. Farnsworth (Capt. Walker in Tommy). He really has an amazing approach to teaching and not only that, he's a very lovable person. He checked in with all the OU people, so if you're a reading this and you know him, he misses you. After that I met for drinks and fries with the fantastically talented Shannon Tyo (Kim in Miss Saigon, pictured above). Such a sweet and down to earth girl, and we talked for about two hours. All and all if was an eventful day but nothing too tiring and stressful. Just doing what I love to do in a city I love to do it in. I hope the weekend saw everyone safe and happy and until my next post, much love.
TV series: Same
Text Twist Score:.....same....ugh
Movies I REALLY want to see: TOY STORY in 3D. I may just have to go by myself, Zombieland, The Invention of Lying, and Where the Wild Things Are
Love you Mom and Dad