What....was I thinking in that last post? There was just nothing personable about it at all, it was as if my blog had become all business. I believe business blog is almost an oxymoron. So I'll try this one a little more in the style of liking you people and writing because you're interested in reading, not because it's an obligation for me. I was actually driving home tonight getting pumped about the blog and what I was going to write in it... then I realized nothing much happened today. I did have a dream that my mother was mad at me because I had dropped a stitch in my scarf about thirty rows back and there was no fixing it. I was angry with her because I knew she was right and then I woke up in a bitter mood. But it all went uphill from there. My social security card made it safely to Casa so I'm no longer working for free (yea!). I'm also ever so close to my day off, with limitless possibilities. I think a little six flags could be in the cards. I've rediscovered the joy of Super Mario 64 AND bertolli dinners, let me tell you, magic! Rehearsal was wonderfully smooth and the first three scenes have been successfully blocked. I have pots... wait and see. I hope I'll have pictures of the process/show that I can upload onto here for you. It's another quiet night with Mark and Kay already tucked in and me on a slowly deflating air mattress. I can look forward to a sluggish descent to the floor by morning.
Text Twist score: 63,420. Slowly but surely mom. I almost wrote "slowly but surly". What kind of word lover am I?
Night all