Monday, October 26, 2009

Lewisville and Me

So the blog's title has temporarily changed to accommodate my present accommodations. I'm living with Mark and Kay, as I have previously stated, and woke this morning at nine a.m., eager and chipper in anticipation of spending the day doing what I love. I then fell straight back to sleep for another hour and a half. I got myself ready, did a bit of grocery shopping, packed, and was off to Fort Worth by one p.m. with my trusty GPS guiding the way. It used to give me spoken instructions via a voice I referred to fondly as "Blanche". I just recently learned that the device has different voices programmed in it, and different names to go with them. So today I thought I'd let David have a go at guiding me. Sad to say, David failed to impress. Somehow he should have foreseen all of the cones and "road closed" signs before instructing me to take my right turn onto Lancaster road. I was lost and directionless in a town I didn't know with ten minutes before rehearsal. I called the stage manager who was from New York, so all he offered me was a chuckle and what I suppose must have been a shrug accompanied by an "I'm sorry". So it was onto semi-useful source number two, the company manager. After sort of finding out where I was, she gave me instructions on how to get onto I30, which were clear and precise and would have been very helpful had I not turned around without her knowing. Shame on me. Again, more lost. Then, it was time to call my mother. This option was less for help and more just to cry and threaten quitting with someone who I knew wouldn't just call me ridiculous and hang up. Mother actually got a map out and started trying to locate where I had gotten myself. After much frustration I decided I needed to hang up and try to get back to some place I recognized. In about two seconds my mother had called Mark, relayed the story, and Mark called me trying to help out on Google maps. Four phone calls later, I arrived at the theatre 20 minutes late, in enough time to completely miss meet and greet. But the day picked up quickly. The music director is a joy and the cast is phenomenal. I kept getting chills singing through the score and really had a wonderful time. I traveled the half hour home at 10:30 p.m., thus ensuring that the rain drenched streets were almost completely barren and I enjoyed a nice private ride home in the drizzle. Now I'm getting warm and cozy and preparing myself for bed, getting ready for another day of rehearsal. Needless to say, David won't be guiding me to work tomorrow. Night all

Text Twist Score: a measly 42,210...measly, sly, seam, same, ale, ales, sale, lea, this has to stop
Haven't started any new shows, but V looks interesting. Could become part of my weekly schedule. Aaron is doing well on his callbacks for A Chorus Line national tour. His next one is Friday. Wish him broken legs