Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I mean................

So I've fallen behind a bit on my duties as your beloved Blog author and for this, I apologize. Not many things have happened in my life since last I left you and so I didn't feel the need to continue to update on menial things that have transpired. Take the Paul that you knew during the "Unemployed" post and do some simple arithmetic. The equation should look a little something like this.
"Paul you knew" - "Lewisville, Texas" + "New York" - "Job" + "A Lot of Free Time" + "An Agent" - "Dance Call Success" + "The Sims" +"An Awkward Confrontation with a Potential Gay Prostitute" +"An Impromptu Gay Bar Night"+ "A Wife" + "A Cruise Ship" - "A Lot of Money" + "A Plane Ticket to Georgia" + "Scabies" - " A Lot More Money" + "Nancy Reeves Time" - "Amount of time spent in New York in 2010" + "Permethrin Cream" - "Scabies" + "Steroids" - "New York" + "Georgia" - "Turning off alarm clock" + "Weight" - "Weight"... + "Weight" + "Roommate" - "Roommate" - "Days until Christmas" + "Fears about 2012"= "present Paul"

So, yeah. I mean nothing really.
You can't argue with mathematical proof...nothing much has happened


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


YEA!! The Blog is no longer a misnomer. I'm actually back and continuing my adventures in this great, daunting city. Sweeney went off without a hitch (except for the chemical burn on my neck), and was a wonderful experience from opening to closing. That's not an incredibly difficult task since the two dates were only five days apart. But it was a such an honor to be part of that production and it was a great way to start my professional career. After that I got to spend one short day in Houston with the parents, watching UP and reorganizing my suitcase so that I could fly back to my new place of residence, the big apple. You know, I never questioned that as a child but now that I'm here and far more worldly wise, I have no idea what that nickname means. Anyway, I've started my transplanting with an audition today and now begins the grueling task of trying to get an audition for these agents. Hopefully, if things go well, I'll be in contact with them within the next few days and then I'll be on broadway next week (just thinking a Candide-ish scenario here). But right here, right now, begins my actor plight, the journey that so many before me have made and so many after me will make, right up till 2012 of course. Today, after my audition, I went grocery shopping and caught up on some television. Then I went to a little fundraiser deally that Jen Taylor and her friend had devised, accompanied by Melissa Steadman. We shared a few drinks and did our philanthropic deed for the month (i.e. bid silently on cheap activities that benefit our lifestyles...and won!). Afterward, we shared a rousing rendition of "Unworthy of Your Love" sung sotto voce (at times) in the subway station before heading back to Astoria, sharing a few more drinks, and watching an altogether mediocre episode of Modern Family. I also decided that today was the day I would start my great exploration of beers to determine which ones I like (almost none) and which ones I dislike (almost all). Todays beer of choice was a Sam'l Smith Organic Fruit Ale, Cherry flavored. It was slightly tasty, reminiscent of robitussin and Cold 'Eze...with alcohol. But still good. Now I'm writing my devoted readers a semi-entertaining blog before I IChat with Ryry and call it a night. Much love to all.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's opening niiiiiiiiiiight!!

So it's officially opening night, seeing as how I'm writing this at one o clock in the morning. This also means I should be getting to sleep soon, for my health. That's how much you all mean to me, I'm risking my own well being to update about the goings on of my life. And it has been quite the weekend since I last spoke to you. Mark and I spent my day off of work at the mall playing video games for well over an hour. Sixteen dollars poorer, we went and got some fast food chinese and watched way too many episodes of Parks and Recreation and 30 Rock before playing trivial pursuit with Kaykay and then calling it a night. Saturday began our first of two twelve hour days and they went just as I had expected them to. The tech of this show is pretty intense and I pictured it taking quite some time. We actually finished the show Sunday night and were ready for the student preview tonight...then the chair broke. It was technically still a rehearsal but during the second act the barber's chair got caught and wouldn't release to shoot people down the slide. The audience was great about it though and we just had to pause for a few minutes while things got figured out. All and all it was a pretty good run and we open tonight at seven thirty. My throat is super mad at me for all of the screaming I do in the show so I guess I'm going to go ahead and give it a rest. Love to Mom and Dad.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh Suzane!

We're deep in the trenches of Sweeney now and it ain't a pretty sight. I'm now realizing what a blur tech will be. Because the show is so massive technically, those two days are going to either fly by or trudge on endlessly. Whatever, I'm making money. Aaron ended up getting the A Chorus Line tour so for all of you out there who used the secret, I'm sure he thanks you. Snap snaps (the good kind) for Aaron. On the flip side, in two weeks I will be unemployed yet again. Terrifying. I travel out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area on the sixteenth and then fly north the seventeenth. Ugh, the thought of getting on another plane and dealing with another group of cranky people who either hate their jobs or hate being up so early to catch a flight is incredibly unattractive right now. But hey, I could get into that sort of thing in a week or so. Right now I'm all about the pretzels and sleep so I'll enjoy a few more of the former and then call it a night. Love you all.


Monday, November 2, 2009

It's getting ever so close

I can't believe we open this show in a week from tomorrow. Today means we've only been at it for one week and this afternoon we're finishing this show up. This one has flown by but it's been an incredible experience thus far. Let's see, what has happened since last I spoke to you. I had Friday off and being the overly productive person I am, I laid around till noon, had some lunch with Mark, Kay, Michelle and Omar at Pei Wei....laid around for about, mmmmmm, ten more hours and then hopped over to Grapevine to go see OhLooks production of The Rocky Horror Show. I had a wonderful time there amongst the screaming and the rice and the partial nudity. But since it started at ten thirty, that meant a late night for me with morning rehearsal the next day. Saturday went very smoothly and we finished act one and started act two. Needless to say I cried a bit during "God That's Good" and I can only hope that in one week the slight differences in movement per verse will seem a little more obvious to me. But my evening was full of banging mugs on wrong counts and asking for more pies when I was supposed to be saying how good they were. Too bad. Halloween night Mark, Kay, and the gang all traversed over to Grapevine Mills where we walked around a bit and then bought tickets to go see Zombieland which, though insanely gory, was quite entertaining. Called it an early night (super early because of daylight savings). Spent my sabbath getting my throat slit about six times and heard a fascinating story about how the original Beggar Woman on broadway shattered her ankles in the show sliding down the shoot we have to slide out of. Bring it shoot, we'll see who shatters whose what! I also ruined my scarf and decided to start all over. It's actually quite therapeutic to rip out two hundred rows of knitting. I watched A Series of Unfortunate Events with Kay last night and then hopped on my Deflatable mattress for a good night's rest. Love you all, see you soon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A little more conversational

What....was I thinking in that last post? There was just nothing personable about it at all, it was as if my blog had become all business. I believe business blog is almost an oxymoron. So I'll try this one a little more in the style of liking you people and writing because you're interested in reading, not because it's an obligation for me. I was actually driving home tonight getting pumped about the blog and what I was going to write in it... then I realized nothing much happened today. I did have a dream that my mother was mad at me because I had dropped a stitch in my scarf about thirty rows back and there was no fixing it. I was angry with her because I knew she was right and then I woke up in a bitter mood. But it all went uphill from there. My social security card made it safely to Casa so I'm no longer working for free (yea!). I'm also ever so close to my day off, with limitless possibilities. I think a little six flags could be in the cards. I've rediscovered the joy of Super Mario 64 AND bertolli dinners, let me tell you, magic! Rehearsal was wonderfully smooth and the first three scenes have been successfully blocked. I have pots... wait and see. I hope I'll have pictures of the process/show that I can upload onto here for you. It's another quiet night with Mark and Kay already tucked in and me on a slowly deflating air mattress. I can look forward to a sluggish descent to the floor by morning.

Text Twist score: 63,420. Slowly but surely mom. I almost wrote "slowly but surly". What kind of word lover am I?

Night all

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 2

I did a bit better at waking up this morning with only two snooze button pushes. Mark and I brothered up and hung a curtain rod and then it was off to my second day of rehearsal. Norm came today and we had a whole cast read through before reviewing some music. It was dinner at Pei Wei with some great cast members and then it was back to rehearsal where I learned that I won't be getting paid until I get the copy of my SS card...perfect. But all and all a productive day. Till tomorrow

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lewisville and Me

So the blog's title has temporarily changed to accommodate my present accommodations. I'm living with Mark and Kay, as I have previously stated, and woke this morning at nine a.m., eager and chipper in anticipation of spending the day doing what I love. I then fell straight back to sleep for another hour and a half. I got myself ready, did a bit of grocery shopping, packed, and was off to Fort Worth by one p.m. with my trusty GPS guiding the way. It used to give me spoken instructions via a voice I referred to fondly as "Blanche". I just recently learned that the device has different voices programmed in it, and different names to go with them. So today I thought I'd let David have a go at guiding me. Sad to say, David failed to impress. Somehow he should have foreseen all of the cones and "road closed" signs before instructing me to take my right turn onto Lancaster road. I was lost and directionless in a town I didn't know with ten minutes before rehearsal. I called the stage manager who was from New York, so all he offered me was a chuckle and what I suppose must have been a shrug accompanied by an "I'm sorry". So it was onto semi-useful source number two, the company manager. After sort of finding out where I was, she gave me instructions on how to get onto I30, which were clear and precise and would have been very helpful had I not turned around without her knowing. Shame on me. Again, more lost. Then, it was time to call my mother. This option was less for help and more just to cry and threaten quitting with someone who I knew wouldn't just call me ridiculous and hang up. Mother actually got a map out and started trying to locate where I had gotten myself. After much frustration I decided I needed to hang up and try to get back to some place I recognized. In about two seconds my mother had called Mark, relayed the story, and Mark called me trying to help out on Google maps. Four phone calls later, I arrived at the theatre 20 minutes late, in enough time to completely miss meet and greet. But the day picked up quickly. The music director is a joy and the cast is phenomenal. I kept getting chills singing through the score and really had a wonderful time. I traveled the half hour home at 10:30 p.m., thus ensuring that the rain drenched streets were almost completely barren and I enjoyed a nice private ride home in the drizzle. Now I'm getting warm and cozy and preparing myself for bed, getting ready for another day of rehearsal. Needless to say, David won't be guiding me to work tomorrow. Night all

Text Twist Score: a measly 42,210...measly, sly, seam, same, ale, ales, sale, lea, this has to stop
Haven't started any new shows, but V looks interesting. Could become part of my weekly schedule. Aaron is doing well on his callbacks for A Chorus Line national tour. His next one is Friday. Wish him broken legs

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oops I did it again

I'm going to go ahead and say sorry for the neglect and to save me from having to do it again, I apologize for all future neglects here and now. I somehow manage to put off EVERYTHING! So sorry. Now on to some form of an update. As many of you know, I just stayed the week in Oklahoma, relaxing with Ryan and potty training Izzy (she's doing much better). It was a week of knitting, reading, eating, and watching performances, which is why this post is a bit belated. My life has been a bit slow but I wouldn't have it any other way because starting tomorrow I dive into an incredibly difficult score and a very taxing show experience. I'll love it, I'm sure, but I'm thankful for the rest leading up to it. I am now comfy and cozy in Mark and Kay's living room of their apartment, which I shall be calling home for the next three weeks while I work here at Casa Manana. I'll fill you all in on how the first day of rehearsal goes tomorrow night. Love ya.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Change of Pace

Oh, I've been so irresponsible. And to my three or four readers, I apologize. From now on I shall try to keep this blog as up to date as I am, which, if I might be so bold as to say, is pretty darn up to date. So so so so much has happened since my last post and going into detail about my recent adventures would only lead to a blog of epic proportions, so I'll try to give you the cliff notes version of my ever busy-ing lifestyle. I believe I left you on friday so I'll now format this post in a diary fashion and give you a play by play of the days that followed.
Sat: So very embarrassed to tell you this, but absolutely nothing happened on this day. I'm sure I racked up some pretty mean Text Twist points though, which is quite an accomplishment. So to say this day was useless would be a bit of a stretch.
Sun: Aaron, Tyler, and I woke up at 3:45 am to make our way into the city and catch some free bus trips to Washington, DC. I caught up on my missed ZZZ's during the four hour excursion and landed in our nation's capitol to march and rally for equality. There we met up with Kilty and his sister Erin, Ray and Peter, and Emily and Ericka. We also got a quick hello in with Julia Murney before she disappeared in the crowd. The march was a success (which is not to say that we have rights quite yet, but it was enjoyable) and the rally was pretty inspirational. We got back home around 12:30 am, dragged our weary limbs home to Astoria and collapsed into bed.
Mon: Needless to say, nothing much happened during the day. Aaron and I attended Musical Mondays at Splash bar where we belted just as high as we could along to recordings of musical performances. Then we watched Anne Fraser Thomas and the infamous Miranda perform a few ditty's. Of course it was a late night so it transitioned into
Tue: and we celebrated Aaron's birthday! After a decent nights rest I went and talked with the fourth and final agent on my list, Michael Kirsten from Hardin-Curtis, who was sweet and informative. I'll be auditioning for them as well when I return. Then it was Beer Garden with my lovely roommate Tasha as a sort of farewell, before a wonderful night's rest.
Wed: It was the last audition I was going to be able to make before I left the city so I took a break from packing and made myself presentable for the Shrek EPA. I got on the train and took the half hour ride into the city, walked the few blocks from the stop to the building, and began to enter the elevator when I realized I hadn't made a headshot/resume, nor did I have the materials to do so. After time it would take me to get back to the apartment, put it together and then traverse into the city again, it would probably be almost two hours later and the thought didn't sound appealing to me. So I skipped it, please don't be disappointed. Anyway, I finished packing and called it an early night after some chinese food and Modern Family with Aaron.
Thur: Five am flight home to Houston...I slept the whole way. But I got into town around eight am and had lunch with my madre, watched "Ratatouille" and "Lilo and Stitch". So productive.
Fri: We took off on our road trip at around 7:45 am and landed in Dallas with enough time to stop and have lunch with Mark and Kay at a delicious seafood joint in Grapevine. Then I traveled the rest of the way to Norman, got a little time with Ry, and then went and watched the dress rehearsal for How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Fantastic stuff, and it's going to get even better with the set and orchestra. For those of you who are able to see it, get excited. Drinks at the Mont and chilling at home ensued.
Sat: Late to rise, spur of the moment decision on a zoo day, Ryan missed his fitting but we had too much fun with the animals to worry about that. Dinner and games with the Orr's. Hilarity.
Sun: I made about two dozen Oreo balls and carted them over for the cast to munch on during their Zitzprobe (Wandleprobe, let's be honest). Then it was relaxing time and going to watch the Black Eyed Peas/U2 concert from the lawn outside the stadium. It took place on a 10.5 million dollar stage and set, which I believe is the exact same budget for the Sweeney I'm going to do. What are the odds? Had a wonderful time with Heather, Mackenzie, Marisha, Chris A, and Ry before heading home mid concert for some "Emperor's New Groove" and wings from Papa John's.
Mon: I woke up at eight, took Izzie for a walk, read a bit of my book, and wrote a blog.

Wow, sorry about all that. I completely understand if you give up midway, but if you've made it to here, congrats! I'll try to do a post tomorrow of only pictures from the different events to catch you up visually. Until then, much love, talk to you soon.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Final Friday

I just realized that this was the last Friday I'll be spending in the city for a while, which means that this upcoming weekend is the last one for me as well. I couldn't have asked for a more fulfilling and impromptu day. Being the mature, independent adult I am I woke up promptly at 1:20 pm to a phone call from Mr. Umsted telling me he was on his way over. We had decided we would see a movie today and since Aaron was up and ready to go, we were heading out of my apartment by 1:45, me slightly less showered than I had planned but excited for a movie day. After a twenty minute train ride, "Where's Waldo" reminiscing, and a bunch of generic musical theatre, talk Aaron and I found ourselves at the AMC Empire. The movie choice of the day was one "Paranormal Activity" just for a good scare. Who knew they sold child tickets to "R" rated movies? They're cheaper. Anyway, the movie was terrifying for about the last ten minutes. The rest of it was bad acting and nauseating camera angles with a few cheap jumps. Still fun though. Afterward we were headed back to the subway station and planning on going home until we passed the TKTS stand. It dawned on Aaron that he wanted to see a show and it dawned on me that this might be one of my last opportunities to do so before leaving. So we joined the throng in one of the LONGEST lines I've ever seen and purchased discounted tickets to "Next to Normal". We had dinner at a great little Thai Food place and the meal was delicious right up to the point that I threw it up. First time in a while though, so I was actually pretty proud of myself. I also discovered I might have a slight allergy to peanuts because, after three courses of my meal were covered in them, my throat started to swell and close a little. This warranted a quick trip to Walgreens; bendaryl for me, dramamine for Aaron (re: nauseating camera angles). This didn't put me in the best position for viewing "Next to Normal", what with a swollen throat and the drowsy effect of the diphenhydramine. Still, we were able to see all of the original broadway cast and the musical is truly spectacular. All of the performances were fantastic and it was the best way to end the evening. After that, we traversed home with our Playbills as good subway reading material, I devoured about twenty saltine crackers before having my nightly chat with Ryan (who will be singing in the Christmas show this year. Yea!) and typing this for any lovely people who may spend the time to read this far down. I love you mom and dad.

TV shows: I have completed all there is to watch of Veronica Mars...I have no idea what I'll do with my time now. I need a job.
Text Twist score:...don't ask.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Slow and Steady

It'll sound a little pathetic that, though I spent the majority of yesterday on my bed in my room, it was perhaps one of the most stressful days of my time here thus far. I could never be a party planner or even a casting director for that matter because trying to get so many different factors lined up for the perfect meshing of times and dates is an incredibly difficult task. One that had me on the verge of tears in my sweat pants and T shirt in the middle of the day. I had to try to arrange a date when the agencies I've talked to, an accompanist, a rehearsal studio, and myself were all available. In my selfish little world, it made no sense why the times that were easiest for me to meet were somehow not an option for any of the other parties. Four accompanists and two agencies coincidentally all had conflicting schedules, which actually makes perfect sense considering their busy lifestyles but at the time seemed like some horrible conspiracy against my career. I've since calmed down and realized that I'll have to be seeing these agents when I return versus trying to cram them in all before next thursday. But the search is continuing to be positive and today I had a wonderful meeting with Jim Wilhelm who was down to earth and very informative. We chatted for well over half an hour, I found what he had to say very helpful, and he asked me to keep in contact when I returned, saying we'd go from there; all positive. He did also reassure me of the fact that my career may have a slow start just based on what I am as a performer and having nothing to do with ability and representation. It's something I already knew, but is still reassuring to hear from time to time. Other than that, life has been mainly getting myself in the mind set that I'll be leaving my new place of residence next thursday for a month long excursion down south. That about sums up the past two days and until next time, much love.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A couple o' days gone by

Well after my intense and insane Saturday filled with luncheons and bar dates I discovered I had a little tickle at the back of my throat. It isn't uncommon for me to complain about pain in this region of my body and so I just shrugged it off and since I had no obligations that Sunday I decided I would just rest. It was Monday at five pm when I reemerged from my bedroom, only to grab myself a foot long Subway sandwich and then disappear again into my fortress of Solitude (where my only guests were Veronica Mars and her super sleuthy friends). Yes , friends and family, I had the dreaded and sometimes deadly ailment known as the common cold. I know what you're thinking. "You made it out alive, you're so strong". And of course, that's true. But I also sucked down about twelve coldeeze and slept for the majority of the forty eight hours. I missed an audition I had planned on going to but, really, who wants to see a disheveled sick boy dance about at ten am. They didn't miss anything. During my time confined to my bed I watched approximately ten episodes of quality TV programming thanks to the wonderful invention of ( for those of you who don't know, hulu is a website where one can find many of one's favorite TV shows/clips and interviews). So Sunday and Monday are quite a bore and need no more further explanation. I did try to talk to Ryan on the phone a lot, but he's a very busy young man. In my sick and needy state, I didn't care about the justifications of him having to get off the phone, it only mattered that I was friendless and wearing the same pajama pants I had had on the previous day. But he was a wonderful sport and put up with my selfishness. For that, I thank you Ry. But today I was productive. I went for my second agent appointment at the The Mine agency. It's the same agency Aaron Umsted, Ian Gibb, Cassie Chesnutt (went to OU), Taurean Everett (worked with at MTW) and a slew of others are signed with. They were incredibly nice. Not only that, they were helpful and informative about me as a performer and what I should target myself towards in auditions. They've asked me to come in and sing for them so that's another agency interested; yea. After that I went and dropped off my ID at the Temp Agency I'm with and they are going to try to get me a few jobs this week before I head out on my big adventure. I spent some much needed alone time reading my book in different cafes and eateries. I would change locations every so often so as not to take up a seat for too long of a period of time. I wanted to be fair. Then I decided, though I had been sick for two days, I would go in and audition for Grease today. My voice and performance were lackluster but it's always fun and no matter the experience, I believe they're all worthwhile. I then had a voice lesson with the magical and incredible Mr. Farnsworth (Capt. Walker in Tommy). He really has an amazing approach to teaching and not only that, he's a very lovable person. He checked in with all the OU people, so if you're a reading this and you know him, he misses you. After that I met for drinks and fries with the fantastically talented Shannon Tyo (Kim in Miss Saigon, pictured above). Such a sweet and down to earth girl, and we talked for about two hours. All and all if was an eventful day but nothing too tiring and stressful. Just doing what I love to do in a city I love to do it in. I hope the weekend saw everyone safe and happy and until my next post, much love.

TV series: Same
Text Twist Score:.....same....ugh
Movies I REALLY want to see: TOY STORY in 3D. I may just have to go by myself, Zombieland, The Invention of Lying, and Where the Wild Things Are

Love you Mom and Dad

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A long, fantastic day

Well, I know I'm posting this one a little later in the day then I had promised, but I didn't get to sleep until, mmmmmm, very late last night. But you'll hear all about it in a second. Everything seemed to align for yesterday to be the day of lunches and dinners and parties, and so I spent most of it out of the house. I left Astoria around twelve thirty to make sure I got into the city with enough time to walk to the restaurant where we were meeting our director from Miss Saigon, Melanie Lockyer. It was sunny and the air was a cool seventy something so I saw no need for a jacket, just me in a short sleeved shirt and holes in my pants. Now it's only a twenty minute commute (on a good day) from my stop to Manhattan, BUT it seems that distance is just enough to have a completely different weather forecast. I got up from the subway to a chilly, overcast city with the potential to start raining at any moment. And wouldn't you know it, it did...hard. So I ran four blocks to a Duane Reade and bought an eleven dollar umbrella. I'd learned my lesson about purchasing the three dollar ones from off the street. So I go back out to continue my venture to the restaurant and it just happened to decide it was done raining. My brand new, never been opened umbrella and I made our way to 49th street to a restaurant called "Pam Real Thai" (I didn't forget an apostrophe, it just doesn't exist) and had some delicious Thai food with Melanie, Melissa, Tyler Foy, and Aaron. The whole time we were in there (about an hour or more) it was pouring down rain outside and I was clutching my new, slightly over priced umbrella in anticipation (which, coincidentally, I almost left at the restaurant. Oops). But, alas, by the time we'd paid the check and parted ways it had, again, stopped raining. Julie Willems Van Dijk was in New Jersey for work and had invited us to dinner that evening. So instead of taking the train all the way back to Astoria, we saved ourselves a couple trips and killed time in Harold Square. Mom, they have a three story Barnes and Noble there, with escalators even. I mean this thing is epic. But it's a sad past time looking at books you know you're too poor to buy. So, seeing no reason to stay, I took the leftover Pad Thai that Melissa had given me and decided to wander around the little market in the square. Aaron had told me they probably had forks at the Cafe in Barnes and Noble, but of course I was smarter than that and figured I'd just eat it with my was noodles and chicken in a red, oily sauce. Half-way through my meal I realized the fork was a necessity but by that time I already had sauce all over my face and noodles stuck to my fingers, walking through a crowded square of staring passersby; it was awkward. I finished my embarrassing meal and with only an hour left to go, we headed to Blockheads, the Mexican restaurant where we were meeting Mrs. Willems Van Djik (who I will now refer to as Julie since her last name takes a little too long to type out every time). I ordered a Mexican Bull dog margarita, which is a margarita with an extra shot of tequila and a corona turned upside down inside of it.

That's how I STARTED my meal, it was very hard to top. Anyway we had a wonderful time with Julie. It was Hartleigh, Melissa, Aaron, Tyler, Julie, and me and we all shared stories about school and Carolyn, just reminiscing for an hour or so. After then it was off to Morgan's birthday bash at The Overlook. It's the official OU bar of New York so we were surrounded by alumnus cheering on the eventually losing team of the evening. More drinks, more friends and then it was off to meet up with a group of guys from Wichita before hitting another bar. All and all it was a very busy day/night, but it was filled with wonderful people who I don't get to
see too often, good food, and a couple of pigeons. I love you guys, sorry these are so long. I'll understand if you don't read the whole thing, if you just give it the magazine treatment and glance at the pictures. Till Tomorrow

TV series: Same + Veronica Mars s3
Text Twist score: a whopping zero. I was at 147,000 and thought I'd just reach one fifty before I went to sleep. How sad and mistaken I was.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My First Ever Blog

I have now entered the newest, and by far, most exciting phase of my life thus far...the blog phase. And why, all of a sudden, do I feel the need to inform others of the goings on of my life? Why at twenty two do I now feel the void left empty by the lack of blogging all those years? Because I've finally moved to NEW YORK!! I have to admit it was never a life long dream of mine to be here in this city. For the better part of high school I didn't even want to pursue performing as a career. And college was a nightmare, trying to build up the courage and convince myself that I could potentially live in this city and make a living doing what I do. So now I'm here, and as is the way with my pessimistic self, I have to say that though it is all "hustle and bustle" and though I have not been able to get to sleep at a reasonable tie since I have arrived, New York is a big city just like so many other big cities. Of course it's such a mecca for the arts and the center of so much in the business world, but when you get right down to it, it's just another place where people live and work and try to live their lives to the best of their abilities. The one thing I will say is a huge change is the attitudes of the people. It's amazing what a little southern hospitality will do to these people. Let them go first onto the subway, say "excuse me" politely as you dodge them on the sidewalk, apologize for their bags hitting you as they pass, and it throws them completely off their game. Kindness is so rare up hear and though I would never go so far to say that the majority of them are mean, I would have to describe them as inconsiderate, or selfish. It just the differences in culture. But don't worry mom and dad, I'm determined to change their ways.
As you know I've been auditioning as much as I possibly can this week. I've been going to what are called EPA's, or "Equity Principal Auditions" and ECC's, or "Equity Chorus Calls". In and EPA, generally they aren't looking for anyone to actually come in and play any of the roles. All roles are cast primarily through agents scheduled auditions (I'll explain in a second), or simply offered to people of notable talent. BUT, the good thing about them is that they allow you to sing and perform in front of casting directors who, after seeing you a number of times, start to remember you and invite you in for more auditions. ECC's, UGH, are pretty annoying. This is where that magical, mystical thing known as type will bite you in the rear end. For the Catch Me If You Can call, they invited us into the room in groups of fifteen, told us to talk amongst yourselves (so I awkwardly looked like I was in on another groups conversation) and then announced who they would like to have stay and sing for them, based on appearance and other factors I may not be privy to at this point in time. Needless to say, I was cut from the audition without having to make a sound. Not a problem. I do understand that the majority of the jobs I'm going to get are going to have to come from agent auditions which brings me to the next exciting topic of my first week here.
Through friends and connections I was able to get appointments with several great agencies here in the city. This past week I met with Michael Rodriguez of The Roster Agency. He was a lovable guy with a lot of interesting and enlightening things to say about agents and this business. He reduced my naiveté pertaining to the industry by a fraction of an inch and I'm hoping that the ones I have scheduled for next week will do the same. At the end of the interview he told me he liked me and that he would love for me to set up a time to sing for him and have a bit of an audition so that he can determine whether or not he would like to sign me. Once you're with an agent, it doesn't mean you have to work any less, but it does mean that they can (hopefully) set you up with appointments to see certain casting directors and creative teams that would be, hmmm, very difficult to do by yourself. I have high hopes for these agent interviews and am determined to sign with one of them soon. I'll right more as more happens.
I believe this blog has rambled on long enough, and though I still have so much to say, I feel like you may be getting tired of reading and there are probably so many fascinating YouTube videos or CloudyNights forum posts calling your name, so I'll let you go. I'll try to start taking more pictures so that I can share them with you all here and give you a more accurate portrayal of my life here in the city. Love you mom and dad.

TV Series: Veronica Mars s2, Flash Forward s1, Modern Family s1, Glee s1, and Parks and Recreation s1.
Text Twist Score: 18,000 (just dropped down from 120,000...darn)
